My (22F) Fiance (22M) is not willing to take ANY career advice due to pride. He is not making enough to support us in the future. He’s convinced that he knows everything about everything in his industry and that it’s fine to stay on the track that he’s on. However, his proposed career advancements mostly talk with no movement. There are so many opportunities for him to make more that he’s not even willing to consider because someone else suggested it. What’s more, he wants me to quit my job and be the sole income. If I do that, then there’s no way I will ever be able to have anything extra in life. We will be paycheck to paycheck.

Another layer to the pie is that he has no savings whatsoever. I, on the other hand, have 10k in savings so far. Not only is he making bad career decisions, but he also has no backup plan.

How do I show him that he is being unnecessarily prideful and illogical and that it’s getting in the way of us being able to have a future?

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