So I (24F) started a new job in retail a few month back and I actually found out something about myself : I CANNOT INTERACT WITH MEN. I don’t usually talk to guys or spend time with them , and if I do it’s because we’ve grown closer overtime (slowly) and now they’ve turned into some good friends.

I have been surrounded by mainly women my whole life so I don’t know how to how to guys around my age (mid 20’s+). I’ve been shy my whole life, it’s this job that is helping me with my communication skills.

But at work I’m fine talking to girls, to group of girls, I will turn into a clown and talk about anything and everything, but when it comes to guys especially the ‘nice looking ones’ it’s like I ‘fold’ and run away. I have tried to make one on one conversation with a guys alone get to know them 1-1 – though only when we’re COMPLETELY ALONE, the conversations help me to get to know them better and they get to to know me too, it can take time, but its not that big of an issue, the problem taking it out of the room.

If we’re 1-1 talking with others around setting at work I get kiiiind of awkward and I know it’s horrible but I retreat in my shell and keep to myself or find some other girls to talk to… if they’re there.

And when 2 or more guys are talking it gets a bit overwhelming and difficult. I just end up drowning in the conversation and disappear (I become shy , quite and awkward once again) and then I feel horrible because I should’ve tried harder to contribute/join conversations.

Oh and I suck at eye contact too… I hope people don’t think I’m an ass because I can’t keep eye contact long with them,

Can I get suggestions on how to interact with guys at work in general, as an introvert?

TDLR : I don’t know how to interact around guys because at work, completely clueless on how to
Interact with them at work because I’m shy and I have no communication skills with them. Any advice?

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