What are your opinions on ‘Pick Up Artists’?

  1. They’re pathetic but they’ve found a way to make money out of men thinking they’ll learn all the secrets how to pick up women.

  2. They were sleazy and pathetic 10-15 years ago when i that sort of thing was a “hot trend”. Now, they’re just a joke.

  3. manipulative, pathetic assholes. seriously. you might as well ask “what’s your opinion on men who completely disregard you as a human being and try to manipulate you into fucking them with extremely toxic, hurtful behavior?”

  4. They better learn to pick up their own asses and move. Like, far away from any live woman ever.

  5. Pathetic misogynist trash using exploitative, coercive, and manipulative tactics to take advantage of women, especially young women. They don’t respect boundaries or consent.

    There are the kind of red-flag-flying losers who leave a trail of emotional damage everywhere they go because they are selfish, mean, self-centered people who only care about getting their sexual desires met no matter the damage done to the other person. Absolutely vile examples of humanity.

    And no – them being sad, lonely, and having no social skills is not an excuse for their behaviors and choices. The people who sell this crap to the lonely and sad can be even worse than the ones who buy into it, but they are all problematic and unethical.

  6. I find them ridiculous and pathetic. Also a danger to the women around them with how they try to manipulate us.

    But I have to also see them as victims of a system that makes relationships and sex so central to our lives. Like what’s the deal with going out to a bar to meet someone, or hitting on a stranger at the bus stop? Why are guys spending money on a class to do this?

    Why aren’t we doing the things we love, which could include going to bars or riding the bus, and happening to meet people we fall in love with? Spend that money to enjoy a new hobby. I’m sure fewer of us would end up in relationships, but we’d probably all be much happier and surrounded by non-romantic friends who are passionate about the same things we are.

  7. They’re really cringy and exploitative – both towards women and the young men who watch them and don’t have the emotional or cognitive intelligence yet to recognize that pick up artists are fake, misogynistic, and embarrassing.

  8. I’m embarrassed for them. The PUA thing is so cringe and always has been and then I see these young guys get into it and eek – I feel bad for them.

  9. They build all these skills and persona based on the males fantasy of what they assume women want, and miss the point so badly they end up looking pathetic. There is only one foolproof method to pick-up women, and that is to treat us as fellow human beings with diverse opinions and interests; anything else just feels forced and ridiculous

  10. I once went on a date with a really attractive man with extreme pick-up artist energy. Though we met on an app (so it wasn’t like he cold-called me) he kept insulting/negging extremely normal parts of my life, while also insinuating we should go back to his place. When the date was over, I told him I had a “great time” and would love to see him again just so I could get out of there. In the next few days I messaged him and told him I didn’t see it working out, he told me he felt foolish (who says that??) for thinking I was into him, and asked what went wrong. I truly believe in letting men learn for themselves why they give women the ick, so I never responded.

    I feel bad that that kind of energy works on some women–I would have considered myself relatively vulnerable at that point as I’d just been dumped, but thankfully still had enough self-esteem to know this stranger’s perception of me meant less than nothing. I wish all women could know their worth in situations like that.

  11. Annoying as fuck. I’ve had a couple try that trick on me where they ask you your name and then they proceed to use it in every sentence. I’m not sure what it’s supposed to accomplish but all it does is make me super irritated. Just talk to me like a normal human being.

  12. They’re sad and emotionally stunted. Trying to use one method on the entire female population just shows a serious lack of awareness

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