So friday night i went on a date with this girl, we had some laughs, we drank 2 cocktails each. When i went to go pay, i asked her if she would like to to my car and listen to some music, she happily agreed.

When we were in my car i was singing along to some songs i always listen to while driving. I took us to a spot where there were no people, i asked if i could get a hug, she agreed, we both got out of the car hugged and when she pulled away, i looked into her eyes and kissed her, i had this very warm feeling troughout my body, the feeling like, i hope this never ends.

Then we got back in the car, i put up some music she liked, and i dropped her off at her car, i waited till she got in her car, when she was in her car i drove off, then she texted me she was home (i asked), and i don’t know but today she seems a bit off ?

(She even said i broke some of her wall down, that i’m a good person and she really can tell i only have the best in mind for her.)

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