How can I best support my partner with his performance anxiety?

I (F30) am married to my husband (M33) of 7 years. When we have sex it’s amazing. He is truly the best I’ve ever had, he is generous and I’m able to orgasm several times before we have PIV sex. There was a time when we were both on anti-depressants which tanked our libido. We have both been off of them for almost a year now and manage our mental health with therapy instead so it doesn’t burden our sex life too greatly. Finding our way back to a balanced sex life has been difficult. He can get performance anxiety to the point where he can’t maintain an erection. He gets very down about it, and I try to comfort him through those feelings. Sometimes the sex stops all together and sometimes we just change it up to something other than PIV sex. On occasion he can become aroused again and we can try again but inevitably he looses it and becomes discouraged. I’m looking for advice on how to best support him. I’ve let him know numerous times that I love him for who he is and I always still have a great time sexually even if he isn’t able to get to completion. I just wish he was able to because it feels one sided that I can orgasm 3+ times and he gets nothing and I genuinely want him to experience pleasure as well. Any advice on how to best support him through this would be appreciated!

TLDR: My male partner struggles with Performance Anxiety. How can I best support him?

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