My (33F) boyfriend (33M) and I were close friends for a year or two before starting dating recently. For a good chunk of that time prior to dating he was pursing me pretty hard. Early on I had just gotten out of a long term relationship and wasn’t ready for anything. He would talk to his friends about me and his struggles and on one occasion he told me they had suggested he date younger women, like early/mid 20’s. It felt like a bit of a negg at the time but I ignored it. I didn’t want to date so he could do what he wanted.

Now we’re dating for the past couple of months. He was reading some notes he had written for me in his phone. Mostly all professing his feelings. It was all super sweet and we both cried a bit about it. One note he was reading he stopped and hesitated before continuing. I encouraged him to continue. He read something along the lines of “you might say there are younger or more attractive girls, but….” And I stopped him there but we know it was something to the effect of him wanting to be with me.

Him pointing out he thinks there are younger and more attractive girls he could be with really hurt me. I know it’s a fact of life. There’s always going to be younger, prettier girls. But it still doesn’t feel good hearing him say that. He apologized a bunch and we moved past it but I’m finding myself feeling more and more insecure. We talk about spending our lives together but now I’m just feeling scared he’s going to turn me in for someone younger or prettier. I know I have no way of controlling that. I think his intention overall was good so maybe I should focus on that. I don’t think he meant to hurt me. I just would never think to say “you might say there are richer, more attractive men with bigger packages” or some equivalent, so I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

TLDR: bf acknowledged he could date younger prettier women. I’m feeling insecure and want to move past it.

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