Hey Ladies, how do you take care of your body skin and how often?

  1. Shower twice a day (I live in an extremely hot climate). Moisturise twice a day. Exfoliate twice a week.

  2. Hey guys
    Can you guys recommend a full body cream? I’m currently in Finland so it’s extremely cold and dry here

  3. I shower with a shower oil, and then I aggressively scrub the shit out of my entire body like once a week in a way that’s probably isn’t great for the skin, but who cares it feels good.

    That’s about it. I moisturise with a body cream *maybe* once a month, but it’s sooo annoying not being able to put on clothes and go sit down right after, so I usually can’t be bothered.

  4. Lots of body lotion or oil. Get some calendula oil, it helps heal scars, and moisturizes well. I use something after every bath or shower, mostly because I can’t touch anything with pruny fingers without lotion.

  5. I slather myself in moisturizer after every shower. I also absolutely love my exfoliating glove, and use it once a week or so. It helps my dry skin, and my keratosis pilaris. It also feels amazing to get all of the dead skin off.

  6. I shower and use a moisturizing body wash (Aveeno) and use lotion immediately after the shower before my body and face dries up.
    I will exfoliate 1-2 per week because I have sensitive skin I don’t exfoliate every day bc then it will just irritate my skin

  7. lol I’ll only put on body lotion in the summer when I wear shorts or dresses.

    I don’t even bother most of the time if I’m wearing a tank or short sleeve if my legs aren’t showing. The exception to the shorts rule is I don’t moisturize if I’m just going to the gym in shorts. I really just walk around with ashy knees and elbows.

    I will wear sunscreen on my shoulders and arms and chest if I’m running outside for extended periods (I don’t bother with my legs because they hardly get any sun most of the year anyway and don’t tab as fast as my upper body).

    Other than that I scrub with a loofa and soap daily

  8. I make my own skim care with jojoba oil as a base for summer and tallow for winter. Infuse them with herbs that I grow/forage

    I use an oil base body scrubs in the shower and then moisturize when I get out

    I also take oil baths, where I’ll put Epsom salts and some of my bath oils in the water and soak. When I get out I wrap up in my robe and let it soak in my skin then wipe off excess with a towel

  9. I try to moisturise my whole body everyday which doesn’t always happen. I have eczema so it’s important I moisturise. It’s hard to motivate myself though lol

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