So I met this girl at my job (we both work at the same place) she’s 18 turning 19 and i’m 23 turning 24 this year. We both have similar lifestyles (both work in retail or other odd jobs full-time, both still live with parents but I’m trying to move out soon, etc.) and I didn’t know her before she was 18. She went to bootcamp and is aiming to go back again and do military service sometime in April if she passes the examination (she had to take a break for health reasons which is why she’s working retail at my job now). We’ve only been talking for about three weeks and we are taking things very slow. Just getting to know each other, hanging out casually, making each other laugh, and all that. When I had asked for her Instagram it was because we both loved Marvel and it was cool making a friend at work and I assumed she was 21+ because she looks older than I do. When I learned she was 18, we just kept it as friends but it eventually progressed to flirting without both of us even realizing it. She makes me so happy and I make her really happy, but the age gap obviously is going to turn some heads. I’ve never dated or talked to anyone more than two years younger than me (my last date was with someone who was 21 turning 22) so this is all new to me. Can I get some advice? Should we continue doing what we are doing and take our time making sure it’s right for both of us? Or is the age gap too big? All of our mutual friends comment on how much chemistry we have, how much we make each other laugh, and I genuinely have such a crush on this girl and vice verse with how she feels about me. Like she gives me butterflies and I think about her all the time. We text constantly and whenever we hang out it’s all laughter and cute flirting and I never stop smiling. I feel like I might be ruining a really beautiful relationship by focusing on the age gap, but I also want to consider all factors and approach this in the right way bc five years is a lot but also isn’t in retrospect. She doesn’t see it as a concern, in fact we make fun of the age gap a lot, but I just wanted to ask if this gap (although we are in similar stages of life) is too big. Please be kind!💜

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