Im not knocking on any one side of the group here. Men and women are starting to get out of hand with the list of preferences required just to say hi to someone. This isnt a business Interview this is a life parter you are looking for. I think we should all just walk around with a dating resume. That way we dont even have to talk any more the way we keep going.

I will now be taking Resumes. they will have your past relationships as well as your experiences sexual and nonsexual, hobbies, likes and dislikes.., no more just messing around.

But lets be honest men and women are staying single longer or just overall. Both sides are screaming hatred or disdain to one another all the while having some god like preference just say “hey i think your phone fell out a few blocks back” before being called a stalker or a creep. Again im just being silly in some of my examples but you get the gist.

There are so many good people out there unhappy because they no longer looking for the character and integrity of a person but now we only truly care about the physical looks and the hobbies one does. If these hobbies are deemed childish we are quick to write people off. But everyone does something childish in there days to get away from the reality that is life. As long as they understand hobbies and reality arent the same. When the hobby is done we are back in reality. Its hobbies that make people stay in a fantasy for to long that is dangerous.

Long story short a lot of us are unhappy, miserable, alone or even feel alone when around someone they supposedly love all because they no longer feel wanted due to a stupid preference like how big someones butt is, or how short someone is, or in my case a long time ago i wouldnt date anyone that is lactose intolerant; stupid right?!? Thats what im trying to say.

The other day i read something about someone texting your and you’re incorrectly every now and then is a red flag…….🚩

Red flag is if the person you are with has cheated in the past, red flag is if the person you are with never tells you things that could be important to a relationship, red flag is when someone uses people for money just to use it on drugs.

We as a society need to figure our shit out! Lol.

I hope everyone has a good day! Hopefully we all find that one person that makes us feel good about being in this world. If that person is yourself, than do what you can! Unaliving yourself because people have shitty preferences isnt necessary. Be different not a statistic.

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