What is an experience that you had when dating someone when you’re 15-18?

  1. This is a very brood question. Any experience? Well, I once went on vacation with my hs boyfriend to visit family. When I decided to go it was because I couldn’t stand the idea of not seeing him for a week. I didn’t realize until we had left that my issues with not being able to eat in front of people, and my body not allowing me to move my bowels in a place I was not comfortable were going to be the issue they became. First, his parents kept calling my mom because I wasn’t eating, making a huge deal out of it and therefore causing more attention to be on me during meals. I lost 10 lbs that week, and I was already underweight. But I was also extremely bloated when I came home. It was a miserable experience.

  2. When I was 16 I was sexually groomed by a 26 year old. It went as about as well as you’d think.

  3. My standards were in hell at those ages, easy to be gaslit and constantly disappointed and staying in a crappy relationship for the fear of being alone or attachment issues etc etc. Experience? Low effort gifts, no cute dates, no quality time. 🙂 oh to be young.

  4. Well my highschool boyfriend took advantage of the fact I was insecure about not having friends to emotionally and sexually exploit me sooo.

  5. when I was 16, men who were 24 or 21 or 26 were interested in me.

    I dated them, and did not sleep with them. we would mess around, make out, they’d buy me flowers or take me out to dinner.

    thinking back, what in the actual fuck.

  6. He seemed like a nice guy until he punched me in the face in the school parking lot. I can’t believe I stayed with him for another 3 years.

  7. I didn’t really date. I had a hard time dating and such as a teen. Too much angstyess that I’d rather forget that part of being a teen.

    I had one experience when I was dating an older guy and it was close to prom. My bestie told me her boyfriend (the guys were buddies ) told her the guy I was seeing would try something on Prom night if I went. It sounded ominous and I dumped him. 

  8. Some of the memory is still fuzzy after 25 years 🤣 

    He and I were at the skating rink and we held hands. The energy was shy and awkward and I remember hearing Cory Hart’s song “Never Surrender” playing in the background (1999). It was adorable and cute, looking back on it.

    We broke up a short time later and then I got back together with my on- and off-again high school sweetheart for the next 2 years until he dropped out and I moved away (2001).

  9. I started dating my high school boyfriend at 16. We stayed together until 18. Broke up for a year, got back together. We were together for a total of 6 years.

    When we first started dating we were obsessed. Typical teenage love. He even got me a job where he worked. We spent so much time together. We got engaged at 22 but then broke up about 6 months after the engagement. We just grew apart.

  10. I was mature enough to know I don’t know shit about relationships at that age and yet I was stupid enough to fall for my then best friend (he used to like me too). Within 4 days of lovey-dovey talking I told him relationships are not for me right now so let’s go back to being the best friends we were. Turns out I am not the traditional girlfriend who would send good morning messages and say I love you every now and then. I am still not that person and I’m glad to have found a partner with whom I do not need to do the things I don’t believe in. Anyway, going back to my high school love – He did not listen to me. I went on with the relationship for a year and broke up on a bad note. I still miss him. Not as a boyfriend, but as a friend. I still meet my school friends and always feel if that relationship did not happen there would have been one more chair at the reunion table. I missed him at my wedding too. It is the loss of a friend that makes me sad

  11. I was with my high school sweetheart since I was 15 and we lasted for almost 7 years. I’m not sure what you mean by ‘experiance’ per say but we would go on dates to get ice cream, talk on the phone all night, make out, watch a movie, hang at each other’s houses, go boating with his family, go to conventions/cosplay, attend each other’s school events (club/sport), etc. At ‘gradbash’ and prom (we were 17) he tried to initiate sex then got peeved I wouldn’t budge but we eventually lost it to each other at 18 after graduation. Moved in together at 19 then things turned into a dumpster fire from there.

  12. For myself, I got lucky, in a sense, with meeting a guy when I was 16. He was 17. His parents just moved to town and started to go to the same church my parents went to. We ended up being friends, flirting a little here and there. Eventually he asked me out and took me to the movies. It was good for a little while actually. Fun, innocent even! Until he got in with a rougher crowd in his high school and he started to party. I wasn’t a partier so it did break us up. At the time I was heartbroken he picked parties and drugs over me but now I look back and am thankful that I got to learn a lot.

  13. We started dating junior year of high school around Christmas. He fell fast and hard for me but I wasn’t really sure about him. For Valentine’s Day he wrote me a very sweet poem and the one line I’ll always remember is “Is it too soon to wish you were my wife?” So so sweet but bruh we were 16. I ended it a few weeks later claiming that we would be going off to college soon and I didn’t see it lasting. He was depressed for a year but I think he’s okay now.

  14. I met my ex husband when I was 17 and he was almost 25. He was my first real boyfriend. He wanted me to get pregnant within the first year and I did. I had a very tumultuous unhealthy home life with my mother and I thought my ex husband was the life preserver I had been waiting for. Turns out, he was actually pushing me even deeper underwater. It took me 12 years to untangle from him and am finally starting to heal.

    So…not a great experience! But I’m probably a more extreme example.

  15. The guy I was dating my junior year in HS slapped me when I gave him a blowjob and he finished in my mouth saying I did it wrong.

    I never slept with anyone else until I got married and he was 95% gay so sex was mostly off the table. Therefore my whole life I assumed my ex was right, it wasn’t until my current BF was screaming at me that I never gave bjs that I actually looked it up. My current BF still doesn’t believe me and I don’t care, it happened.

    So yeah I’m 100% still affected today by my bad choices as a teen.

  16. When I was 17, I lost my virginity to my friends older brother. He was 20/21 at the time and leaving for the marines in a few months. We started hooking up when I was 16 after we met while getting ready for prom at my sisters house. I was dumb and naive and had no experience.

  17. 14-15 I was sexually abused by more than one older guy. 16 I dated a guy my own age and it was stupid and immature, but fun. But then he basically started living at my house without being invited. We broke up.

    I dated another guy at 17-18 that was going really well but then things got complicated. After all of that… my dating choices took a big nose dive and I dated asshole after asshole for many years.

    I am now happily dating someone great. Only took me to my mid 30s to figure it out.

  18. Very positive.

    Dated a guy 1-1,5 years older than me in the age frame indicated in the post. He was sweet, caring, respectful and overall great.

    Needless to say my parents loved him because he was responsible and did well at school. Same for his friends.

  19. Dated my high-school sweetheart during those years. You never forget your first girl.

  20. Started dating when I was 18, well just one guy for a month and didn’t date again til I had my first bf at 20. Well when I was 18 the guy I dated I didn’t even like him. He was rude and awkward, would give me the silent treatment when I didn’t like the same movies as him wouldn’t tell me his last name. He wouldn’t kiss me and laughed in my face when I finally kissed him. It ended when he picked me up to come to his house when his folks weren’t home, made out with me in his bed, took off our shirts, but I was on my period so it didn’t go down south. Maybe 20 minutes after I told him that, he dropped me off at my friends house and ghosted me. I was hurt until a couple months later when my friend found his SoundCloud (he was an aspiring rapper/singer/producer) and his latest release was an r&b album where he was singing and he was completely tone deaf. It was good laughing material after that. Rejection is protection ladies and gentlemen!

  21. My ex was so manipulative and gaslit me so much but I honestly was so lonely that I didn’t even realise until we broke up. She cheated on me with 2 different guys while also blaming me for being ‘insecure’ when I broke up with her over it. So glad I’m out of that relationship. Just feel bad for her new boyfriend

  22. My first official boyfriend was at age 16, and he was my first experience with everything — kissing, all the bases, phone sex, oral sex, and eventually we lost our virginities to each other at age 18.

    But things were rocky in-between. He became quite a turd about a year into the relationship when I earned the lead in my school musical and wasn’t as available to him. I kissed another boy from the musical while we were still dating and I still feel guilty about it, like it immediately branded me a cheater for the rest of my life. But we lived just one street from each other and couldn’t stay away; I always went back to him after I broke up with shorter stints with other boys (only lasted a few weeks).

    It didn’t officially end with him until I went to college. My next boyfriend wasn’t until I was 19.

  23. I was 16 when I started dipping my toes into the dating pool. I was highly orthorexic and mentally unwell. I believed I had to be “the perfect girl” in order to even deserve love. Of course it all blew up around me lol. I had unhealed attachment trauma which caused me to chase guys and push them away once they came too close to me. Also was huge into guys who used me as I couldn’t handle a serious relationship. I’m turning 23 this year and just realised how fucked up that time in my life was

  24. Worst experiences : got groomed at 16 by the 21yo guy living with my friend at that time and then stalked and drugged at 18 by a guy who was 30 but pretended he was 20 throughout the relationship. (He definitely didn’t looked his age)

  25. I “dated” a guy in high school that I met through friends but he lived in another state. We had such a deep emotional connection and I honestly loved him so much. Then we spent a week together when I was already on vacation in his state. It was so awkward, we both had a lot of internalized issues, in hindsight. He ghosted me and we didn’t talk for a few years when he called me to apologize. Honestly I wish we were still friends.
    Regardless, I went off to college and met my now husband within a few weeks of being there, so it all worked out. Plus, being with him kept me from getting into trouble with all the guys in my town haha

  26. I was so afraid of getting stuck in my rural hometown that I refused to date. God forbid I fall in love & get stuck like many of the others did. Glad I escaped.

  27. When I was 13 I started dating my first boyfriend. He’d make me feel ashamed of certain things I liked and always gave me ”suggestions” of how I should look. About 10 months into dating, he broke up with me for a day, saying “he lost a bet”. I stupidly took him back. This is when he started begging for sex, and every time I’d tell him I wasn’t ready yet.

    When I was 14, I lost my dad to suicide and was very depressed. Within the few days after losing him, my bf thought that was the perfect time to take advantage of my vulnerability and forced me to have sex with him. He “wanted to make me feel better”. It was awkward and it hurt and I hated it. Found out he was cheating on me the whole time a few months later.

    When I was 15 (almost 16), we reconnected and became friends. He’d walk me home from school almost everyday. We started dating again – that ended not even 2 months later. He walked me home after hanging out one night and told me he didn’t wanna be together anymore. But we stayed friends.

    When I was 16/17, he’d ask to hang out or go for walks but he’d show up in his car. He’d drive me places after I’d ask him to let me out or take me home, and he’d force me to have sex. Half the time I’d make excuses or tell him I was on my period or had an upset stomach and he didn’t care. He’d start grabbing me and forcing himself on me. I don’t know why I thought we could be friends.

    Before graduation, we met up and talked about plans for the future. I knew this was the last time I’d probably ever see him. He admitted to everything he did wrong with me and apologized. He asked if I could see us dating again. I told him no, and that I couldn’t forgive him for what he did to me ever. And that was that. I haven’t seen him since.

  28. i was in a relationship from 15-19 years old (i’m 20 now). it’s the purest love, i loved him with everything in me. however, i gave up a lot of my life because i made him the center of my universe. these comments talk about naivety for the most part, which is very true. you have an innocent perception of love when you’re a teenager, and when you grow up life hits you like a truck.

  29. I dated a a few women at those ages but it eas mostly my on-again off-again long term girlfriend. I started having sex at 14. By 15 I had had sex with 2 different women. We had to be sneaky since we only had each other’s parents house. We would have sex in cars in the school parking lot or outside in bushes or hideaways.

    My long term relationship was a mess, we were both “so in love” but were always fighting and feeling neglected by one another in between the harmless fun. Not smart enough to actually end it, but instead break up a million times and try to “make it work” (for what?). I cheated multiple times, left her for someone else, got back together, etc…

  30. Well that both sexes can be physically abusive. A good friend had a gf at the time hit him with a car. They were both insane honestly. Crazy has no look or gender.

  31. At 16 I fell in love with someone older. We did drugs, sold drugs, things got scary. We were raided. He ran while I dealt with the consequences. 18 felonies in total. He came back for me in the middle of the night shortly after the raid and asked me to run away with him. Even though I thought he was the love of my life I told him no and made him leave and then I silently cried on my floor for hours

    He almost died multiple times. Mostly from overdoses. I still loved him and tried to make it work when he finally was caught and thrown in prison. Long story short it didn’t work out

  32. When I was 14 going on 15, I dated a “bad boy” from high school who was extremely deep. He lived in my neighborhood, so at night, I would sneak out to see him. We would hangout at this abandoned house and lay on the porch and look at the stars and talk. We would call each other when everybody was asleep and talk on the phone for hours. When I was alone, I would write about him in my journal. Eventually, we broke up, and he threw pebbles at my window to get my attention so we could talk some more. This was all back during the summer of 2011. We remained extremely close friends after that. Unfortunately, he died in 2017.

  33. I had a very sweet and loving boyfriend, but his mother was crazy. We were 15 and 16. She was very religious and wanted to have complete control of our relationship. I was a respectful teen but also headstrong and mature. That didn’t sit well with her when she found out she couldn’t bend me to her will (and ultimately convert me). It strained our relationship and we broke up because of it. We would’ve never worked out long term because I would not convert and knew I didn’t want her as a mother in law. But he was and always will be my first love.

  34. I started dating my first boyfriend when I was 16. I absolutely loved him, he had the best mom in the world and she welcomed me with open arms, his sister was amazingly sweet to me, he had 8 year old twin brothers that made me laugh all the time and I loved when they would spend time with us. Justin and Jamie, the coolest little dudes.

    7 months later he cheated on me with a girl at work. She knew I existed and went along with it anyway, and cheated on her boyfriend with my boyfriend. I was very much a “pick me” and I stayed with him so she couldn’t have him. Talk about misdirected anger, looking back I can’t believe how dumb I was.

    I stayed with him on the condition that he had to stop talking to her outside of work. He blocked her on AIM, but I snooped through his conversation logs and showed that he would unblock her and then block her again when I was coming over. He was trying to be slick, but apparently not slick enough to fully get rid of the evidence.

    I spent the next few years miserable, unhappy, and suspicious. I never trusted him again, I felt awful about myself, because I thought he wouldn’t have cheated on me if I was only better.

    I really loved his family. To this day I’m angry that he was such a fuckboy and hurt me, because I would have the best in-laws ever. I would have been able to see the twins grow up. I would be an auntie in the spring, my mom’s best friend’s niece is dating one of the twins and they’re having their first baby. I would have an amazing mother-in-law.

  35. My bf at 16 dumped me and shared explicit photos of me around the school. Idk why I thought dating in high school would be great 🤦🏻‍♀️

  36. I had a fling with a 24 year old when I was 17. He made me feel guilty about wanting to wait longer than a month before we had sex. We had sex, and he ghosted me. Popped up like 3 years later trying to hook up. Obviously, he got ghosted 😒

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