Hi y’all, I am a woman and I just saw a meme post on a Facebook page about the jealousy infertile women often feel regarding pregnancy announcements, etc. It got me wondering whether men who may have lower or non-existent fertility experience similar thoughts of jealousy or sadness or longing in these types of situations. I would love to hear your thoughts about this topic, not just as it relates to pregnancy announcements but how much it affects you personally in general too.

For example, does it make you feel inadequate or ‘less than’? Do you ever get those pangs of emotion when you see someone else has conceived? Do you have those moments of “why can everybody else in the world make a baby but it’s so hard for me?” Or is it not something that really affects you emotionally at all? Some people don’t want kids at all so maybe some feel glad they can’t get someone pregnant? Thoughts?

This is not to judge in any way, I am genuinely curious for real answers. For those who struggle with it, I’ll leave you with something often said in women’s forums about this topic: baby dust to you all ✨️😊

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