What would happen if Russia took back Alaska?

  1. I dunno man what would happen if Japan took back Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. What if China took back Outer Manchuria. What if Germany once again tried to take back Alsace-Lorraine?

  2. They could not hold it.

    It is far far too large to be held in any meaningful way, especially by the army we have seen take the field in Ukraine.

    Taking Alaska would be beyond their reach tactically, and beyond their reach strategically.

  3. I think you’d have a lot of people scratching their heads about how Russia was able to reclaim the land from the US.

  4. They couldn’t, it would be the ne plus ultra of conflicts they wouldn’t want to be a part of.

  5. Nuclear war. Any direct military engagement between the U.S. and Russia would very likely result in that, which is why it never happens.

  6. It would mean that the entire thing where they’ve lost about 15,000 troops, 10 generals and godless-knows how much materiel, failing to invade an underfunded neighbor with a contiguous land border was all an elaborate ruse.

  7. Russia ain’t taking back Alaska. What would happen if Russia *attacked* Alaska? A swift response by NATO in which the Russian military gets annihilated very quickly. Russia can barely hold on to villages in Ukraine. They’ve exhausted most of the modern military hardware, annihilated their own “elite” airborne force and lost their flagship to a country with no navy. Attacking Alaska would be suicide.

  8. What’s left of Russian surface ships now promoted to submarines somewhere in the Bering Sea.

  9. That could only happen in a world completely different than the current one so it’s useless to speculate.

    If you meant “What would happen if Russia tried to take Alaska”… I’d wager they would run out of food and gas before reaching the Bering Straight.

  10. The US wouod defrost the zombie apocalypse it has been secretly keeping frozen in Homer, Alaska, and unleash hell on Russia.

  11. Ukraine, Poland and Eastern Europe will all have a big ol’ party because the moment that Russia steps foot in Alaska, they have… oh… hmm… I’d say about… five minutes before the country of Russia ceases to exist in its entirety.

    It’ll be a great day for Eastern Europe. Lukashenko will be a bit pissed, though, since he won’t get that promotion in a non-existent army that he wants so bad… Until he’s lynched by the people of Belarus, though.

  12. A quick battle that is the country equivalent of punching your brother to the US (aka nothing important) and being absolutely destroyed to Russia

    In other words, the US isn’t giving it up, so Russia has to fight for it. Russia wouldn’t win in a fight against the US (so long as nukes stay out because of MAD) there are a few military bases in Alaska and it would take nearly no time to get more troops up there.

  13. They can’t take it but let’s assume they did

    We would lose 2 senators, 1 representative, a rich state with oil and gold, and Texas would become the largest state. No one lives there but there are resources that make it a valuable state

  14. Take nukes off the table and it would make for great TV to watch Russian try an amphibious assault on the mainland of the US. It’s not happening

  15. They would find out why America doesn’t have public healthcare: our military spending.

  16. They would never be able to, any vessel air or sea to transport men needed to hold onto land would be shot down or sunk. The U.S. would know what’s up before they could land any forces there.

  17. The US can barely govern Alaska, it’s a massive wild region that is mostly undeveloped wilderness. It’s the same as asking if the US military can take control of Siberia, it’s just not happening.

    Also Russian power projection is basically limited to ground forces, they have neither the navy nor strategic airlift capacity to invade a large country they share no land border with.

  18. We’ll watch the invading force on tv at the sea-side tiki bar on the moon.

    In less sarcastic terms – it wouldn’t happen.

  19. Russia can’t effectively mobilize their military into Ukraine without fumbling, and bumbling their logistics, and objectives. They don’t have a large enough navy to transport enough men across the bering straight. Their projection capabilities are pathetic. Not to mention we’d see it coming as they’d mass troops on their eastern coast, and move naval assets into position. We could call up the Alaskan National Guard, deploy a single fleet to the waters near Alaska, and deploy troops through Canada into Alaska. Hell, the Canadians are likely to help us reinforce Alaska. Who the fuck wants Russia for a neighbor. They ain’t taking shit.

  20. I would ask you what Dr. Strange is like in person, because you’re living in a different universe.

  21. That would be a nightmare for Moscow. Let’s say no nukes are used: Even if Alaska got no support from the rest of the country, the combined forces from the state’s military installations would likely be enough to hold back the impoverished Russian military and we we absolutely dominate Eastern Russia, which would likely see little to no support from the capital. Also, there are very few roads here and they would quickly be fortified and guarded both by the military and locals. Almost everyone here owns multiple firearms and they’re just itching to pull the trigger.

  22. The odds of that are just slightly higher than France coming for the Louisiana Purchase.

  23. It wouldn’t be possible. Russia has proven ineffective on land… what are they going to do in a large body of water?

    US intelligence alone helped sink one of their best ship. What’s going to happen when they’re against that and our military?

    Best case scenario for them is MAD and we all die so they don’t have to live with another humiliation.

  24. Three things would happen, America hits Russia, Russia hits the ground, America now has a West Alaska.

  25. Today in geography/logistics lessons:

    The Russian road system doesn’t get significantly east of Magadan with any sort of real road (and even the road to there is notoriously awful at many times of the year.). That’s not even the right side of Kamchatka to move stuff efficiently by ship.

    The North American road system doesn’t get west of Tanana, AK (and that’s not much of a road either).

    Go punch those into Google Maps and you’ll see why it’s not happening.


    So, Russia and the US aren’t really only separated by the couple dozen miles of the Bering Strait. In reality they’re separated by 2000+ miles of rough terrain (or open ocean) with zero or near-zero infrastructure.

  26. I mean they could try. But I don’t think they could.

    The Alaskans themselves with no help from the other 48 could hold off Russia imo. It’s probably got more guns than half of the other states.

  27. I want to have awesome sex with Henry Cavill and have his baby but that is not going to happen either.

  28. Oh no how will we fend off this threat? We might have to call out the Paw Patrol.

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