My gf and I have been together for three years, no issues w sex the first year and then a slow progression to basically no sex for the past year (maybe once a month). And for the past couple months it’s only been late at night when she’s drunk which I don’t really love.

I probably had not handled it the best when I would bring it up in non constructive ways which would make her shut down more and the issue would continue in silence. But today we talked about it in a way where I expressed the strain it’s taken on me and she felt pretty bad and doesn’t really understand why she doesn’t want to. She sounded scared to lose me over this but I’m not sure if anything will change.

One option she mentioned was sex therapy and asked if I wanted to pay for it, which if I’m being honest I don’t. It just sounds like months more of these issues and I’m not sure if I want to go through that. I’m willing to give it another couple weeks to see if this talk makes any kind of difference but if it doesn’t, I dunno what to do.

I feel bad because outside of sex we have a very nice relationship where we support each other but the lack of intimacy is taking a toll on me and limiting how close I feel to her. Breaking up because of sex feels shallow and a massive decision but I just feel stuck and unsure of how to proceed

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