As a child, I was empathetic, but as I grew up in a toxic, unsympathetic environment, my empathy towards others has declined. Day by day, I am turning into a rude person.

A few days ago, someone asked me to explain a topic to him, and I said it’s an easy subject what’s here to explain with an irritating tone.

Then I remembered, when I first learned about the topic, I had no clue either.

Most seniors around me always behave like that; which could’ve influenced my behavior.

But I want to be more empathetic towards others, for my juniors I want to be the senior I wish I had.

I have noticed some unsympathetic behavior of mine in social interactions, and some of them are:

– Regardless of the severity of the situation, I try to say something funny, sometimes I start laughing at serious situations.

– Rather than acknowledging other’s pain, I say something like “that’s nothing, I had it worse but didn’t complain.”

– I fail to consider that the person I am talking to is different from me, in terms of experience, knowledge, and understanding of the topic.

– I am quick to judgement and giving advice.

– I tend to talk more than listen.

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