Me and my boyfriend have been together for 4 years now. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing and especially recently where we had a very bad breakup because he decided to check out a girl his parents had arranged for him to meet, for marriage.

Although we’re past that phase because he rejected her – “maybe” bcs he didn’t like the girl or “maybe” he just wanted to make his parents happy and get done with the formalities when instead it was always me but I refuse to believe this explanation and be naive.

We somehow have started talking again and decided to give this relationship a serious try where I work on my insecurities and he works on his time & energy management since currently in a long distance relationship since I lost my job 4 months back.

I had insecurities. It amplifierd when he decided to visit the girl his parents had picked out, and told me if he didn’t like the girl he would finalise things with me for marriage purposes. I felt like a second choice when infact I have known the man for 4 years.

NOW the real deal: he is going on a leisure trip mainly compromising of lot of alcohol, with his co-workers, 3 male and 3 female, is the composition and I just don’t feel comfortable with this. He has anyway been trying to replace me for a while with almost any random girl he could find and now this.
I haven’t even met any of his co-workers and I’m not sure they know he’s committed either and even if they do, seeing the kind of decisions and actions he takes, I’m not sure they know he’s serious about me.

How do I confront him about this?
I cannot risk coming off as insecure again.
But I’m scared he’s going to do things that’ll make me regret ever allowing him or being associated with him.
And 3 is a odd number. 3 men and 3 women. It’s intimate.
I cannot help but overthink that this man, who never readily agrees to go on vacations with me and have been out on trip just twice in 4 years,is going on a trip with his co-workers who he met 8 months ago since it’s a new workplace.

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