
I’ll try to be as short with my story as possible.

I met a girl on discord channel and we are both from the same country. I wrote her first because I noticed that her “life story” is similar to mine. After while I also noticed that we have many things in common. I would say there is flow between our conversation and she replies almost immediately when possible. She also told me she was introvert and/or also kind of anti-social.

I decided to ask her out because I wanted to get to know her in person. She replied something like “I’m not sure because I’m really an introvert”. In order to at least know how she looks like I asked for her insta/fb and she agreed. After few days I wrote her again and we kept chatting as usual.

It’s been few days since we chatted and to be honest now I’ve been waiting for her to write as first. In case it won’t happen in the near future what am I supposed to do ? Write her first again ? Should I also try ask her out again ?

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