I’ve been with my gf for about 8 years and it’s been perfect up until now. So I bought my gf a ring for our engagement which was 10 000 aud (I could only get that one becuase the style she liked costed that much) which I had no problem with but I did acknowledge to myself that it was an expensive ring.
So about the issue my gf has very high expectations, for example she wants a nice house in the future (2 story) and in a good suburb – I tell her all the time who doesn’t want a nice house and that we have to be realistic – economy is changing – life is changing we need to get what we can both afford. In my culture it’s tradition for the girls family to do the engagement and for the guy to do the wedding. And when I brought this up to her she wasn’t happy about it and said to me that it’s a man’s job to provide. The type of engagement she is asking will surpass 10k especially with costs of everything increasing and I tried to explain to her that there is no point spending this sort of money when we could be saving for a house. She then tells me that both of her cousins husbands did there engagement for their wives and I told her that one of their engagements was at a restaurant and the other one did it at their house which I feel like is a factor to consider. Everytime I bring these stuff up we argue about it and she says it’s a man’s duty to provide. I told her that we are both average people and don’t come from rich families and that we have to be realistic.
I want everyone to be straight up with me and tell me if I’m in the wrong in this and what should I do.
She has blocked me on everything. (normal for her to do this after an argument)
I don’t want to break up with her I mean we have spent nearly our whole teen life together and made it work but this stuff really gets to me.
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask I’m happy to answer as I won’t be sleeping tonight lol

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