I had 0ral with a woman three weeks ago and the morning after I had a sore throat and a white pus pocket in my throat, I went to the doctor and they tested me for strep etc and everything was negative and they gave me antibiotics for four days, symptoms went away and then came back after about a week, right now I just have a sore throat and the same pus ball and whiteish tongue, also have a little bit of small abdominal pain especially after I eat something . I’m waiting on my results from a blood and urine test rn. Am I just super anxious or did I catch something?

A couple day later: I now have itchy skin all over my body and some of it is a light red, could this be from anxiety? As well as my eyes are always red and I put in eye drops daily bc I game a lot but I’m wondering if this is being triggered from something else.

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