i’m 18F and had a male tutor last year, he’s 20, so 2 years older.

i’ve known him for almost 3 years now and what first was just appreciation for how smart/knowledgeable he was, has turned into this weird feeling that i keep getting. he’s so sweet and kind and funny, i don’t know, everything he does seems so cute to me. he’s honestly kinda nerdy and ‘weird’ but for some reason that just makes me like him more ??

i’ve been asked out by a fair share of guys but have always turned them down simply because i wasn’t interested in relationships, but for some reason it’s just different with him. whenever he says something as simple as ‘good job’ or just an acknowledgment of my work, i feel myself going crazy. i’m actually concerned at this point because i don’t know what’s happening to me.

one time, i left late, and he joked(?) that if i didn’t live so far, he would offer to drive me home. on the last day of my tuition classes with him, he had told me he was really proud of me and almost got emotional. but i know he only sees me as a student — as someone he taught or like a kid. i know it’s not in that way.

he’s no longer my tutor but i often find myself hanging around the area just to run into him and say ‘hi’. i want to say something or even let him know how i feel but there’s so many things wrong with it that i just can’t do it. i’m already an introvert and the fact that this is my first time liking someone doesn’t help.

should i say something? or just let it go and forget about it? after a few more months, i’ll fully graduate and likely won’t see him again. i’m scared and want to tell him but im too much of a coward.

if you were me, would you bring it up? do i even have anything to lose? i’m 18 and haven’t even held hands with a guy :/

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