So, my (30F) husband (34M) misplaces everything – often. It’s so annoying – I have had too many conversations with him about. Most recently I bought super glue and put it in our “utility drawer” where we keep things like this. He asked where it was, used it – and misplaced it. Now he can’t find it.

Last time it was his wallet, which is found in a coat pocket from a coat he hadn’t worn in a week.

Before that, it was the office scissors – which ended up in his server closet (he is in cyber security and has a networking closet at the other end of our condo and far from office).

Before that it was the kitchen scissors – which is found in the soil of one of our indoor potted trees.

Before that, it was two kitchen forks (like 6-8 months ago) which still haven’t been found. We concluded that he must have used them for takeout food and threw them out with the takeout.

I’m at the point where I already buy doubles of everything – seriously. Should I start buying triples? I don’t think anything can change this behavior, he has adhd which might account for some of it.

Advice or suggestions?

TL;DR; : advice or suggestions for how to keep my sanity?

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