Is there anything you feel you can only talk to other men about? If so, what?

  1. Issues that are men exclusive that are affecting me, or a double standard. Females just be like quit crying we get periods.

  2. Only talk to my boys about anything, women do not understand the male struggles, burden of performances as a man and most don’t care.

  3. Girl shit, obviously, because the boys will always shoot from the hip and tell it like it is. Also life struggles. I could unload all of my shit and all it takes is a “you’ll be fine bro” and I know it’ll be ok because they have my back.

  4. Cars, sports, women, sex, and the general bullshit men talk about that women don’t understand how as there’s no meaning to it.

  5. Finances, women will judge you or use as ammo later. They will tell you to figure it out and exspect you can snap your fingers to make more money.

  6. It’s not really a specific subject but VERY few women can shoot the shit properly. It seems to be an overwhelmingly male conversational style

  7. Everything in my life. Talking to my exgf made things so awkward and progressively worse she dumped me a month ago. Fuck that never again. Same thing happened with my ex wife just over a period of many years not one year like with my exgf.

  8. How difficult it is to find panties that fit properly. Women just don’t seem to understand the struggle.

  9. Our feelings, what is troubling us, what we are worried or scared of. Women don’t want to hear any of that from their man. They ALL say they do, but they do not. They will either consider then week and start looking for a man they deem strong. Or they will just tell us how much worse they have it. Women say they want a man to be in touch with his feeling, they just don’t want to hear about them.

  10. Relationships especially any romantic or lack thereof. The homies got your back. You have ones that pick you up and keep you happy, you have ones that have you change and become better, or just ones to listen.

  11. I would say most men would only be comfortable talking about how prostate cancer affected them with other men who have experienced it same way women are really only comfortable talking about that kind of thing with other women at least in support groups counting thing that’s what I’m guessing from like movies in that kind of thing I can’t think of anything else really

  12. No.

    Nothing springs to mind.

    My doc is a woman…talk to her about all the health stuff. No shame.

    Maybe if I see a woman with nice features…eyes, tits, ass, legs… hair….I will discuss that with a guy. Some girls that I knew were lesbian or bi, so I would do that with them, too. The ones I would hang with were generally cool about it. But that’s a superficial, in the moment thing. Most straight women just aren’t interested. Wife just rolls her eyes.

    But nothing incredibly important springs to mind.

  13. Anything “real talk”. I have far too many trust issues to open up to women anymore.

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