I feel like most people can be anywhere from raging to just assert themselves when needed. I don’t know if I’m just not self aware enough to notice but I feel like often I just let things slide. I don’t feel taken advantage of or anything but when dominant people do something for example that I disagree with I find it hard to say anything. I feel like that kind of person who would agree to something even if it goes against my values if I felt pressured enough. I can’t think of a clear example that that’s happened though. I find it hard to explain but if someone was shouting in my face I don’t think I would say anything back. With people I’m close to I do get into arguments but people outside my comfort zone I just feel like I’m too passive. Such as my in laws can often say rude things about people I know or something I like and I never really say anything. I’ll just laugh along or stay quiet. I wish one day I could speak up but I guess I’m worried it’ll come out wrong and sound too aggressive or too timid to make a difference. As a result it kind of makes me feel like a weak person. I don’t mean to sound mysoginistic or anything but I feel like it hurts more because I’m a man and so it could be deemed as unattractive. Is this necessarily a bad thing? Anyone else in the same boat? Or have any good advice?

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