I don’t want to explain all the specifics because there’s so many things. My roommate does not take accountability for anything. She’s never wrong and me communicating that she’s doing something that affects me negatively turns into a war because she can’t simply say “I’m sorry” and actually mean it. I stopped being friends with her after trying many times communicating and being kind. She was really affecting my mood day to day and I’ve already got so much going on. Since I stopped being friends with her she’s just blatantly an asshole to me and always says “what are you going to do about it?”. She knows that I won’t retaliate because I don’t want to stoop to her level and she’ll likely do something again 10x worse if I do.

I’ve got 3 months left in this lease and of school before I can leave for good but this situation is really getting to me. She does not respect me at all and she’s constantly crossing boundaries and all anyone ever tells me to do is just to let it happen and let her walk all over me while waiting it out because anything else will cause it to get worse. I reached out to her mom and explained her behavior recently as an act of retaliation and I regret that. I apologized to her mom and now I’m kind of just putting up with everything. Does anyone have advice?

I think about retaliating every time she does something to me and I don’t know how long I’m going to hold myself back .

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