My relationship has been pretty rocky lately, but after this incident I’m done. My boyfriend of almost 5 years came to my sister’s sweet 16 party to break up with me. My family invited him to the party, things have been rough but I still passed along the invitation, so that there’s a sense of normalcy and so no one knew how rough it’s been. It was a big party, like 50+ people including extended family, friends and friends of friends. We get to the party amd he has this really awful attitude the whole time. Everyone noticed. I ask him why he’s being so stink and he says, word for word, “ You’re not paying enough attention to me “ like what??? At that point, I’m pretty much over it and I ask him to leave. He gets mad and announces in front of everyone that the only reason he came to the party was to “officially break up” with me. I’m livid and highly embarrassed, I tell him to leave multiple times again. THEN, he outright refuses and declares that he wants to talk things out and make the relationship work and he “didn’t mean it” and “loves me deeply”…WTF

  1. Yo this is so manipulative. He sounds like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum. Sounds like he got peeved that he wasn’t the center of attention (read: YOUR attention) at the party and made a big to-do about publicly embarrassing you to deflect.

    Then sounds like he regretted that and tried to come back with a lame apology so that you’d stick around

    He needs to grow up. I wouldn’t give it any more of your time and energy at this point, at least for now. If he wants to be dramatic and upset, let him. Trying to compromise or see things from his point of view is just going to exacerbate an already-silly situation.

  2. He’s trying to gaslight you in the stupidest way I’ve ever read on this sub leave him and find someone who’s nicer and smarter.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear you had to go through this. This must have been painful for you and embarrassing. Now that in fact HE embarrassed himself mostly and people will see it that way too!
    He seems very much of an asshole with lots of uncertainties. If he is truly sorry then he should fight the shit out of himself for you to make this up. It sounds like a person with problems. It can only be worth it to figure it if he is truly willing to repair things in himself and with you!

  4. This guy is an asshole so you cut him off from your life and do not give him another chance no matter what. You cannot undo things that took place but with time things will be fine and your family will support you in your tough time. Go on dates when you feel that you are ready for a new relationship until that take your time to heal. You did not do anything wrong as he was the one who behaved immature around people so he has to face consequences for that.

  5. This is manipulative and cruel.

    Break up with him, block him on everything. I usually don’t jump to that but in this case, there’s no reason to keep trying. If he’s not already abusing you, it’s likely he will.

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