My boyfriend (23) and I (21) have been dating for 10 months now and I just found out recently that his mom doesn’t like me because I’m still in college while my boyfriend has graduated already and has a job. They told him to break up with me cause I might “trap” him and ruin his life. He still lives with them because he is an only child and wants to save money by not moving out and paying rent.

I overheard them talk about me. His mom basically saying that I am not good for her son and that I’m out of his league. My boyfriend and I talked about it. He wanted to continue the relationship but keep it as a secret because he can’t take his mom nagging him all the time. He keeps on telling me that he loves me and wanted a future with me. But one time, we were on a FT call and he forgot that I was still on the phone with him, but his mom asked him if he’s still talking to me/still together, he denied me. He denied me twice.

What should I do?

TL;DR; His mom hates me because I am not good enough for her

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