Would you date somebody with a high demand, yet high paying job? Why or why not? Like 80 to 100 hour weeks.

  1. I don’t see how that would even work. Like if you work 100h you straight up just don’t see each other except for sleeping?

  2. Are 100 hour weeks even a thing?? There’s 168 hours in a week. Assuming you’re getting 8 hours of sleep a night, that’s 56 hours gone. That leaves you 12 hours a week to eat and do whatever else .. 12 hours, half of a day, a WEEK to put in a relationship. Absolutely not.

  3. I’m a highly independent, self reliant, introvert… so that wouldn’t bother me at all, as long as they were happy with it😁

  4. Honestly? That was kind of my dream before I met my partner. I didn’t really want a husband, I just wanted the rich housewife life. If my husband is only awake at home for a couple of hours per week, he’s more of a well paying part time job than a partner. And that’s exactly what some people want.

  5. I don’t think you date someone like that for love… That’s more of lifestyle choice lol

  6. No, I work to live, not live to work. I say this as a person who enjoys working. I want someone with a similar feeling about their work-life balance. I like a lot of time together, too.

  7. Hard pass. If I’m in a relationship with someone, it’s because I like spending time with them and I *want* to spend time with them.

  8. No. I don’t see how they’d be able to make any time for the relationship.

  9. Only if it’s like that for a limited amount of time, not for the rest of their life.

  10. Nope, that was one of the contributing factors of my divorce. Work life balance is important, and especially having time for our relationship.

  11. Not really, I don’t like ambitious people, or hardworking. It looks lame to me. I prefer cuddles, love words, everyday affection, his money is his and not my interest.

  12. Hard no. I’m not interested in dating someone I functionally wouldn’t be spending any time with. I feel like a person who wants to work that many hours should probably date another workaholic.

  13. I mean, I already went there in college if you replace job with major. There are definitely some downsides to it; I’ll say that much.

  14. I regularly work 80+ hour weeks.

    It might be hypocritical, but I don’t think I could date someone who did the same. My shift times are so crazy, if my partner worked as many hours we’d literally never see each other.

    I like that my husband is usually home when I get home, and that he can do the house things I don’t have time for.

  15. I’m married to a resident. Yes of course.

    I’m a pretty independent person myself. Surprisingly we do find time for eachother. Having a support system/person thats not requiring my attention all the time is the best of all worlds. We crash in bed together, meal prep, and text inbetween things all day.

    If I had to do it all over again I’d do it the same.

  16. Absolutely not. What’s a relationship if you have no time to be together? Sounds like being in it just for the money and I can earn my own share, don’t want to be reliable on anyone.

    If my partner is so work focused they spend all their awake time on it, we’re probably not a good fit anyhow because our world view and values would differ too much.

  17. 80-100 hrs a week is a LOT. The doctors I know don’t even work those hours every week. I could be with a doctor but 80-100 hrs a week sounds like a CEO, and I don’t think I’d work with someone like that.

    40-60 hrs a week, sure it’s possible but only once things are super secure. And they’d need to have 1-2 days off a week. Otherwise it’d be tough.

  18. No because quality time is important to me. It would be hard to build a solid relationship if someone worked that much.

  19. I don’t recommend doing that. It’s tough and introduced a lot of strain on our marriage. Thankfully, we had an established relationship, we’re prepared, and the long hours were temporary.

  20. Yes, we’ve lived it, but only for a limited amount of time for a big payoff. It’s always a unanimous decision between my partner and I to make sure it will be worth it.

    But it’s really, really hard on both of us.

  21. Not for me. I already do shift work and depend on my partner’s 9-5 for quality time. It’s more predictable and I can schedule around it.

  22. Yes, because I’m going to be working that much too in a few years (hopefully).

  23. If it was for a set period of time (completing a degree, medical residency, or something) or sporadically (traveling for work x times a year, an attorney pulling long hours to prepare for travel) I’d be okay with it because I’d know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t think I’d want to sign on for that forever and everyday. How he handled it would also make a big impact. If he pulled those hours but was excited for and made an effort to be present during our quality time, I’d be more willing to see it through.

  24. No. I appreciate that there’s more to life than a job. I wouldn’t date a workaholic

  25. My husband works 80-100 hour weeks sometimes (he’s a lineman) the divorce rate is VERY high (80%) His job allows me to stay home and take care of our kids and they have the opportunity to do everything I wasn’t able to do as a child growing up in a single parent household. While yes it’s hard sometimes especially when the kids are frustrating or I’m super tired, I also get to enjoy my time alone. He works hard to provide for our family and it allows us to have nice cars, house and extras. When hurricanes happen he has to stay and I’m responsible for the 3 kids and 2 dogs and evacuating if need be, the job is not only high demand but it’s very dangerous.

  26. get that bread babes 👏 I’ll do my 9-5 4-day weeks and volunteering on Fridays and see ya when I see ya 😘

  27. If this was the 1950s and I was a closeted suburban single woman, that would be ideal, I think

  28. I’ve dated a full time college student/ full time worker while being the exact same myself and we didn’t really see each other so that didn’t work cause we had like an hour a week that we could actually spend together. I’d really think twice before doing that now cause I’ve worked hard to NOT have to work that many hours and I’d hope my person was in the same boat (thankfully he is)

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