I heard a story about a man and a woman waiting in line for their drinks or food at some bar. They started talking and just before separating the girl suddenly decides to give her phone number to the guy. They go on a date, start dating and end up happily married. And I’m like does this really happen outside of cheesy romantic movies? I don’t think the women in my (Balkan) culture would just give their phone numbet to a stranger like that, even if they totally find him cute.

The only somewhat similar thing I’ve had happened is that I got a GF on the first solo trip I had in Vienna. I hopped on the metro and she sat on the seat opposite of me. She smiled and looked at me almost constantly during the whole right. But I was the one who did the first move and I started talking first. I wonder if there are places where stories like the above one at the bar happen? Ever have a girl give you her number without you asking for it?

In what cultures would a woman that find you hot do that? Asking for a shy friend you see.. 😉

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