I’ve been talking to a guy for about two weeks now and we’ve gone on dates and all has been going well! The other week I thought he was ignoring me, but it turns out he wasn’t getting any of my texts through wattsapp (we figured this out in person) I haven’t heard from him in two days, which I can’t tell if he’s just ghosting me or not getting my messages again. Would it be crazy of me to DM him on ig and say something along the lines of if he’s no longer interested thats fine, but I wanted to see if he at least got my text? I definitely don’t want to seem clingy and overbearing but I would feel bad if my text just never went through.

1 comment
  1. You can just DM and ask if he’s still not getting your messages. Or just say you’re moving the conversation to IG until you can figure things out with WhatsApp. You don’t have to bring up the possible lack of interest just yet.

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