Hi so I, 20M, am a single college student and as one does I get bored at night and I have the classic dating apps on my phone and I start swiping. Recently the thought has come across of when you start finally getting some matches is there a point where a I should stop swiping and see what happens or does it not matter. To explain better recently I’ve had some more success than usual and I’ve been talking to different matches and exchanging contacts with them etc. A lot of them seem really sweet and pretty and I can see a world where I would be in a relationship with them. But at the same time like mentioned I’m in a college town and next day I could never get a text back again. So the main question is like is there a courtesy to where I should stop swiping or messaging and wait until the current ones either go someone or fizzle out or is it ok for me to just keep going until one actually works?

Note: Nothing has happened like I haven’t gone on any dates or anything only texting and I’m not super familiar with courtesy around this subject.

TL;DR- 1,20M, have gotten the numbers of multiple people off dating apps and what is the common courtesy regarding should I wait to see what happens with the ones I have or should is should I keep swiping til something actually happens

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