*Posting for my friend*

My friend (M) started talking to this guy a little over a week ago after running into him and exchanging numbers while leaving her friend’s (S) apartment building. He happens to have a dog, so M asked if she could meet his dog next time she comes to their apartment building. He said sure, stop by!

Over the weekend however, M’s friend, S, happened to catch this guy having a girl stay at his place overnight for a few days, and S couldn’t tell if this girl was in a romantic or platonic relationship with him. S relays this to M.

M isn’t sure what to make of this because she didn’t think a guy who might have a girlfriend would invite her over like that (or is this actually commonplace)? Or maybe the girl in question was just the guy’s platonic friend after all, so he had no issue with M coming over to his place.

So our question is, would a man with a girlfriend invite other girls over to his place even if those other girls are just platonic friends?

Edit: After seeing some replies suggesting possible sibling, I asked M if she had talked about siblings with this guy, and she reports the guy only has a brother.

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