Would herpes be a dealbreaker for you? Why or why not?

  1. tbh I’d be open to protected sex with someone who has it but isn’t broken out

  2. Yes, I once went to dinner with a guy who told me, “I used to have herpes, but it’s gone now.” I said, “No, it isn’t.” That was our only date. I give him credit for telling me, though.

  3. Yes. That’s a forever thing and then it would be my forever thing. Couldn’t conceive kids ~naturally~, if I got it I couldn’t give birth to my children ~naturally~.

  4. No, not a dealbreaker. Herpes is very common, something like 1/5 people have it and that’s only based on those who knowingly have it, the number is probably even higher than that. Does it mean I want to have it no, but if someone was forthcoming, responsible about it and took all the necessary precautions to keep me as safe as possible, sure I’d consider it. Especially if I really liked them. I have a few friends who have herpes that are great people and I see the shame that they carry. It’s really unfortunate because they are great people and this actually such a common thing people have! I’d hate to miss out on someone amazing because of a little sore.

  5. Genital herpes, likely a yes. I don’t think medication can stop with spreading it.

    Mouth cold sores, I have that already.

  6. [Absolutely not a dealbreaker. And everyone in this thread needs to watch this Adam Ruins Everything clip which explains why.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aU4VcOQzQm0)

    But if you don’t want to watch the video: **Herpes is extremely common and nearly 90% of the global population has some form of the herpes virus. And of those people, the vast majority don’t even develop symptoms. If you’re not actively immunocompromised or in the late stage of pregnancy, you don’t need to worry about it. Besides—you probably already have it.**

  7. Nope.

    If you have had a break out then I expect you to disclose that information before sex and be taking the proper anti-virals.

    Herpes is not a death sentence but it’s annoying to fucking deal with so PLEASE disclose it to your future partners.

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