I’m a 22 year old female. I saw this guy (22M) on a social media site who was really handsome to me. I decided to message him to let him know I’m interested in him. Here’s how those messages went:

Me: Please forgive me if this comes off too forward but you are absolutely gorgeous to me. I’m trying to apply some pressure in your life.

Him: I’m all for it 😊

Then he sent me his number and asked me to text him. So I did.

I told him this is (inserts my name) from (social media platform) He says “hi boo” and tells me about how he just graduated and is visiting his family.

I congratulate him and asked him if we can FaceTime whenever he is free but he never responded. That was almost a day ago. He saw the text. Did I come on too strong?

  1. No he was probably jus not interested nun wrong w tht and no need to feel bad about it

  2. He expected sex to manifest from your approach. He’s already calling you “boo” lmao

  3. Maybe, but if he was interested enough he may not have minded, obviously he’s not that interested so it is what it is

  4. I mean that’s a pretty awkward request for someone you’ve never met or know of IRL… almost like a scam or something lol.

  5. He is probably subconscious about his looks either that or he is a catfish and doesn’t actually look like his profile idk why someone would object to that otherwise

  6. I don’t know if this is relevant, but it seems that your way of communicating is not compatible. I don’t know the reason why he left you on seen, but his behavior shows an indirect communication while yours seems to be direct. The reason why I think this has to do with the fact that you showed your interest in his appearance directly. It is because of this that I think that no matter the reason why he hasn’t communicated with you, it is better not to spend your mental energy questioning your action, since I doubt that someone you barely know deserves it.

  7. He’s visiting family. Can’t have a flirty facetime with mom in the house.

  8. In general men don’t like women who are too forward. Because he’s thinking”how many other guys is she like this with?” I had a woman text me (that’s how I learned my phone number was in my FB profile) and tell me I was so handsome and would I be open to talking to her. I didn’t know what she looked like or who she was plus I was in a relationship. So I told her I appreciate the compliment but I had a girl that I’m not trying to cheat on. Men complain about women not approaching men but in reality men see the women that DO approach as “easy,” and just good for a quick nut.

  9. Yep, but also I think he didn’t like you enough.

    If he liked you I don’t think he’d mind you coming on too strong lol

    No one’s fault. Sometimes you like someone and they don’t like you. Also happens vice versa.

  10. Yeah, the facetime thing might’ve been too much too soon. Some people don’t like getting on facetime. Wait a day or two before messaging I’m back.

  11. I’d not think about this for up to one week. He seemed into you enough initially, and so much of this website is full of posts and comments from men saying they wish they would get more compliments and for women to initiate. I think he explained he’s with family (worst time to be sexy) and he will respond once he’s free like you said he could. And if that doesn’t happen in a week, I’d move on. But a day? Too soon to make any conclusions even if he’s seen your message, specifically because he explained he’s with family and you even told him to do so when he’s free. Binge a new Netflix show or do other life things, set an alarm for 1 wk from now, and stop nailbiting over a person literally following your instructions. You can do it!

  12. Don’t ask for FaceTime on first conversation lol I got scammed text so many times with FaceTime request. Talk for 1 week and then ask for facetime

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