Me and my best friend are like any other duo, we laugh together and have fun but recently and even many months before I feel like shes replacing me, I feel bad because I know if I confront about these feelings she will deny it and then I’ll feel bad for accusing her. The girl she is replacing me with is so kind to me and nice but I hate her on the inside and I feel horrible. I don’t like when her and my best friend have fun together without me or talk together or leave me out of stuff. This week on Friday her and my best friend are skipping a class together because it’s my best friends bday and she doesn’t want to do gym last period. Why Diddnt my best friend offer to skip with me? I mean, I don’t want to skip but if she’d have asked me it would have felt nice. My best friend keeps going on and on about she and the other girl she’s replacing me with are going to have “SOO MUCH FUN” and go out after school. This makes me feel betrayed. I know my best friend can have other friends and I feel like I’m being possessive but I’m tired of this happening to me. Is there something wrong with me? Am I perhaps too boring? Did she not offer to skip with me because she finds some unentertaining? How can I solve this?

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