Hey all!

I’ve noticed a pattern in my past relationships that was really frustrating. Whenever someone (anyone, not just a partner) recommends something to me (be it music, shows/movies, a brand, whatever), I genuinely look into it. It doesn’t always happen *immediately*, but I definitely explore whatever it is they suggested.

Yet, when I suggested things to my past two boyfriends, they’ve both…simply did nothing?

It was kinda hurtful because my suggestions were coming from a place of wanting to connect (“I think you’d love this song!” or “this show is right up your alley!”) and to be dismissed like that was kinda fucked.

I’d even ask them after weeks (sometimes months) had passed and they’d just say they hadn’t looked into it yet. I wasn’t expecting them to read an entire encyclopedia or anthology or anything, literally just listen to an artist or watch the first episode of a show.

In one instance, there was a show I was hoping to watch together, which I purposefully didn’t start on my own so we could share it, but he wasn’t interested in even watching the trailer. A few months after we broke up we got dinner and he mentioned it feeling like an episode in the show and I was like ??? you finally watched it??? And he said it was his favorite show of 2023. 🙃.

Has anyone else experienced this? Am I the weird one here for finding this rude?

**Edit: People are latching onto the idea of the suggestion being a show/movie/book, but that was just an example. It doesn’t have to be media, it could be anything! A hat company…a bidet…tinned fish…**

**Edit 2: Things are getting jumbled up and lost in translation. I’m not referring to recommending things and being upset that my partner hasn’t *tried* them. I’m speaking of sending them a link to something and being miffed that they didn’t take the time to simply click the link and engage with what was shared. Or just being receptive to talk about new things that are brought up instead of just ignoring them.**

**Edit 3: I’ll just settle with being misunderstood! I appreciate the insight and there has been some good discussion, AND there’s a lot of misunderstanding about the fundamental issue I’m referring to. Hope everyone has a Good Friday (or not!! I’m not telling you what to do!!) :)**

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