My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years, those three years have been amazing. He’s genuinely someone I want to be with for the rest of my life, he makes me feel (sorry to quote rianna) like I’m the only girl in the world.

The problems started recently when he started getting closer to one of his friends. His friend is single and has multiple ‘waifus’ which from what I understand are fictional characters with whom he is in a relationship. I don’t have a problem with his friend, I do however have a problem with my boyfriend developing his own relationship with 3 separate characters.

At first he told me it was all a joke, i then found writing he had done, a story about himself and these characters having an orgy. After I confronted him, He finally admitted to it being serious. Apparently he used to be into this stuff before we met, and talking to his friend made him feel like he wanted to start again.

He won’t tell me anything about it because he says it makes him uncomfortable to talk about it. When he said that the only thought in my head was “you’re uncomfortable? You’re the one DOING IT”. All of this has made me feel so alone, unappreciated, violated, betrayed and hurt. I feel like I shouldn’t care because they’re fictional but he spends all day talking with his friends about his sex fantasies with other women.

It’s brought back insecurities I had dealt with after my first relationship ended. I feel like his behaviour spits on the mutual respect I thought we had for each other and our relationship.

What’s my best course of action here? Should I try to talk to him about it or just get gone before he makes everything worse?

(Edit for context) when I say waifu I mean he’s having a second relationship with these characters. It’s as serious to him as our real relationship is.

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