From *Better Things* S05:E06, ‘San Francisco’. Pepper tells Duke, ‘it’s moofy in here’. Duke is vaping at the time, if that is relevant. Google had not helped me on this one.

[Image from episode with subtitles.](

  1. It sounds silly enough for me to assume it’s a britishism, tbh. Maybe Australian. No idea of the specific meaning.

  2. Lol my wife and I were just discussing this the other day. Just how much our language changes over the years when we’re born we learn how to speak. As we get older slang changes from when our parents were young. By the time we reach 20 we are basically speaking a dead language. Not the language itself, but the slang or terms used. Haha! It sounds strange, but it made sense to me.

  3. 20+ years ago, “moof” and “moofie” were short for “Modem Offline,” back when dialup modems often disconnected, but I don’t guess that’s what you’re looking for.

  4. I’m older Generation X so I’m often out of the loop on newer slang. I work in the dining hall at a residential college and am surrounded by 18-19 year olds daily and I’ll ask them what new slang means. The word “moofy” doesn’t seem to be used by the kids I talk to, is it possible you misunderstood what was said?

  5. My first thought was a children’s cartoon called Kim Possible where they got stuck in several TV shows. There was a Friends analog that used the word Moopy as a feeling. From context clues I am guessing it was a general melancholy or malaise.

    Don’t know what they were mocking from Friends though.

  6. Sounds like a made-up word. I sometimes make up random new words that I feel accurately capture the essence of a concept that would usually take multiple words to describe. Maybe that’s what happened here.

    So, the question is, was it in fact moofy in there?

  7. Older gen z, I haven’t heard it, I’ll confer with someone who is more in the know though

    I’d assume it means it smells funky or skunky or something

  8. I think it was made up just for that episode.

    That being said, “moofy” would be the perfect word to describe the feeling of walking into a room full of exhaled vape. Somewhere between marshmallow, humidity, and hazy.

  9. That would have to be some Gen Z slang or something. It is not common American English and so means nothing to most of us.

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