There’s this girl who I like, and for once I actually think she might like me back.(She’s actually talked to me a few times. I can’t say that for all 15 of my other crushes. She even was the one to initiate the conversations.)

Throughout my entire life, the only thing I’ve ever felt like I’m somewhat impressive at is writing. Everytime I’ve gotten a poetry related assignment in school, I’ve gotten stellar results from teachers. So I’m considering writing one for this girl.

Would this honestly be a good idea? Would doing something like that come off as too strong? We’ve only really talked a handful of times up to this point. I’m also considering using this as a way to lean into seeing if she wants to go on a date at some point this summer. If the poem is really good, do you think she would be more likely to want to date me?

I’d appreciate any bodies advice on this, but particularly if your a girl. If a boy did this would you have a problem with it? Would you be interested in dating them?

  1. I strongly advise against this. Shes initiating conversations so thats already a good sign. Just trying talking and get to know her more

  2. Don’t write her a poem. You can eventually if you guys start dating. But writing a poem before that is coming on way too strong.

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