My (28f) fiancés (32 M )parents are awful to me and my fiancé doesn’t really seem to care. Let me first start off by saying it started off with his mom. Our 2nd or third encounter was pretty bad from the beginning. On Christmas Day about 2 years ago my mom was at work so I was spending time with my dad and woke up feeling pretty ill and got sick and threw up a couple of times. My fiancés parents were expecting me to come by but I decided to ask my fiancé if it would be ok if I miss this one because I was sick. He asked his mother and she absolutely blew up on him yelling and screaming and told him that I better get over there, so since it was a big deal, I went sick and all. That night she was throwing all types of digs at me and yelled at me in front of everyone. I just kind of blew it off and didn’t say anything back. After that she would do a lot of little things that were rude (imo) one being she made me drive by myself 45 mins away because they couldn’t pick me up (it was on the way) and on top of that they all (his mom, sister and fiancé) stopped for coffee and didn’t get me one. I was pretty hurt, but again blew it off. She sends Christmas cards to OUR house that only says son on it and got him a Christmas ornament for our house that only says son. She also says right in front of me how much her son doesn’t need me and he’s better off alone. These are just the few of many things she has done to be rude. Then to top it all off one night my fiancé and I were having an argument and he called his parents over to help us” diffuse “the situation. They did not help and made the situation worse. They were trying to get me to leave MY home and take
Me to my parents. I said no thanks. I will get my dad to pick me up which he said he would. I told them I would be able to go around 8 and these people threatened to call the cops on me. I honestly should have let them but instead just said ok take me then to try to calm everything down. they took me
To my parents house, yelled at my parents, and threw all of my stuff on the concrete outside. This was devastating. Anyways this happened back in September and I haven’t seen his parents since. My fiancé doesn’t really care If things are good or not. He still continues to spend holidays with them without me and goes and sees them every week nd on top of that they come over every Sunday and my fiancé makes me leave so they can come by. This is a mess does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this all?

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