The reasons why i cant right now are in the past. I cant change anything, i can only improve which im doing

But how can i love myself?

  1. I heard somewhere once to act like someone you want to be around.. after all, you can’t really escape yourself.

    Also, a mantra that has helped me is “fake it till you make it”. Tell yourself outloud that you love yourself, you think you are smart, talented, successful etc, even if you don’t believe a word of it.

    Filing your head with positive messages about yourself really is a great way to start, and you really might be shocked at how well it works.

    Good luck to you!

  2. Log your thoughts about yourself on a daily basis. Include what you feel and why. Then include what reason there would be for that feeling to be wrong and maybe what your friends or family would say about you :). Honestly, just that you reach out and ask for help shows courage and maybe curiosity so here’s your first or two good (out of many) personally traits!

    Your thoughts don’t have to be the truth, you can pick what is and what is not.

  3. Think about the moments when you do truly like yourself – where are you? what are you doing? who are you with? Then do those activities and spend time with those people as much as possible. Obviously most of the work has to take place inside of you, but having the right environmental conditions and supports can make a big difference. for example, it’s pretty hard for anyone to love themselves when most of their time is spent at a job they hate and surrounded by people who don’t give a shit about them.

  4. All the cliche advice. Its cliche cause it works. Do it until it works. Not going to be easy, but nothing worth doing is easy.

  5. I was in the same boat as you. I was constantly putting myself down, constantly thinking I wasn’t enough. I drained myself so much emotionally and physically. I was so tired until I realized I was using so much energy to put myself down when I could had been using it to lift myself up. I really had to switch my mentality.

    So today, instead of using your energy to put yourself down, tell yourself that you are worthy. Tell yourself that you are doing great. Use that energy to love yourself! Really dwell into what the word “love” means to you. Wishing you good energy, OP!

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