Women who thought that they are asexual, but turned out that they are not. What happened?

  1. it turned out I just have really really bad self-esteem. Now I have to catch myself up on all the dating I missed out on

  2. I was super low on testosterone!! It was a little strange taking T shots for a while and explaining to people that no, I wasn’t transitioning lol.

    I should point out though that I wasn’t asexual and “fixed”, I just thought I was because my body was genuinely broken. Some people just don’t enjoy sex and that’s totally fine and there is nothing wrong with them 🙂

  3. i had no interest in sex but really wanted romance when i was a teen/young adult (14-20) and assumed this meant i was asexual because all my friends either wanted or were having sex. was just a late bloomer 🤷‍♀️ now i realize that i was totally in the realm of normal human experience even though i felt like such an alien at the time

  4. That term wasn’t really in common use to describe sexualities at the time, but I thought that I just didn’t experience sexual attraction because I never even had the slightest sexual attraction to any of the people everyone would try to point out as sexy. I could see people as aesthetically pleasing to look at (like a pretty flower or nice sunset), but that did not translate into any attraction or desire on my side.

    Turns out I’m demisexual instead and quite happily sexual in the right relationship with the right partner.

  5. Got into a healthy relationship changed things a lot for me. I still have a lower sex drive than my partner but I can actually enjoy sex with hi. It’s not a chore.

  6. I believe for me it changed with becoming more confident and also allowing myself to accept how I feel attraction and sexual desire.

    I very rarely feel it with strangers and even then it’s so fleeting that I almost forget that I can act on it.
    Now I’m in a relationship and I’ve discovered that I’m very sexual with the him. If we break up however I can easily go back to life without sex I think.
    I think the label just doesn’t fit me at all time, but there are phases when it does.

  7. I didn’t have a good kiss till I was 17. I didn’t understand the hype why was I always left feeling disgusted and dirty? Then one day a 19 year old boy came over and for the first time it clicked somethjng turned on inside me lol.

  8. My ex was packed but he didn’t know how to use it. On top of my already low sex drive, he was also terrible at seducing me. But of course I thought this was all an issue with on my end, and so I thought I must’ve been asexual since I didn’t care for sex.. like at all.

    Until I met my current partner, and he knew exactly what to do to make sex enjoyable for me. I don’t even enjoy orgasm most days, and the act itself is more fun with my current partner than anybody else I’ve ever been with.

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