At work I (female) have a much older coworker who is single. We get along well but I didn’t think he felt anything more than friendship until another coworker of ours (who is also older,married and friends with the other one) used to tease him around me. One time in particular our mutual coworker came over to chat with me and out of the blue said “I don’t know how old you are but I know you’re a lot younger than him”. It was unrelated to anything we were talking about. How would you interpret this? The other guy was standing right there too.

Another time he saw the other one coming around the corner and said loudly “he’s really not that bad” as if we had been talking about him. Is he just stirring the pot or does it seem like they talk about me? It’s inappropriate I think. And another time I had some candy I shared with them. The married coworker asked why I didn’t want them for myself (I shared them with everyone) and I said they were underwhelming. Then he said “so you had them and thought of so and so…underwhelming”. The one I’m friends with flashed his eyebrows and looked at the other one like they were sharing a joke. I don’t know why they think it’s okay to say these things

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