So, I’m a reasonably handsome, child free, successful bachelor. I work a lot and keep myself in pretty good physical shape.

I’ve often been told that I’m very charismatic and I love a good conversation.

For some context, I go out on dates, this is both meeting women through online dating and through friends/family/colleagues etc and the conversations through texting goes really well and it’s clear these girls are interested.

The dates always go really well, and I’ve even been out with one woman on four dates before she called things off.

The main issue is that I don’t initiate physical contact, no kissing/ holding hands etc and even though the women don’t mention this, I feel so uncomfortable post Me Too as I don’t want to come across as a creep or pervert, but I keep getting told things like, “there’s no spark”, “I didn’t feel a connection”, I even got told by one woman, “you’re too nice for me”.

So people of Reddit, what’s a guy to do? Can you tell me how to get out of dating purgatory?

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