I’ve been seeing this guy for about 3-4 months now. We’re both 19 and set the expectation that we are both looking for long term relationships but we’ve both never been in a relationship though he’s had multiple long talking stages. However, occasionally he’ll leave me on delivered for a long time (worst case, 3 days) with the excuse that he was busy. I’ve tried subtly hinting, doing the same to him, and I’ve already told him that I don’t like it when he does that because it makes me feel like I’m being ignored but he just did it again. Is this a good text to send him to let him know that I’m giving him one last chance to fix it? I really don’t want to end this because I believe it would work if he would just listen to me.

“atp I feel like you’re just not taking me seriously. I don’t mind a long talking stage as long as there’s consistent communication. It doesn’t seem like you care about or respect me enough to even send a message saying that you’re not ignoring me you’re just with your friends or something especially after I told you how it makes me feel. I’ve already given you so many chances to change that but it seems like you just don’t want to. I’d hate to end this over something that can be so easily fixed.”

It sounds like I’m threatening him but I don’t know how else to word it.

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