I feel like I only want my family. They are the only people I can actually rely on and don’t have the worry that I’m going to be abandoned by them, cause I know that they would never do that to me. I literally feel like they are all I need ( when I say family I mean my little cousins and grandparents and aunts and uncles as well as my parents and bro)I actually am happy this way. I also don’t like to go out much at all. I prefer being in my house and always have something to do. I do like going out sometimes with my family, and have family friends, but I love to be at home 95 percent of the time, but I do go out on dog walks to get fresh air. I still do have a couple of friends, some who I just talk to online and never meet up with but I do have 2 who I see rarely. I just feel like I’m more mature than most people my age, and I don’t want to be engolfed into all the things like vaping and drinking which is what kids in my area do. I still want to be a kid sometimes. I wish someone could just tell me this is normal or it’s ok cause I worry so much that it’s not right. I also have social anxiety and overthink EVERYTHING so idk I feel like I just need someone to tell me it’s ok to be this way. I also feel like social media has something to do with it because everyone seems to be thriving and super busy all the time, but I can’t get off it I am just so addicted especially to TikTok. I wish I had never gotten it in the first place and now I can’t get rid of it. Please help me and tell me this is all ok.

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