This is going to be a lot to write.
First, let me give you the back story.
I have a brain disability where part of my brain has literally never formed, since birth, Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. It has made me very socially immature, except for moments where I provide customer service, which I’ve excelled at for a decade now. Also, I recently had a concussion. I find myself staring, gazing, not with malicious intent, not to hit on anyone. I always have. It takes me longer to process things as I’m missing the part of my brain that sends signals between both sides of the brain. When I’m staring, it’s because my brain is like “what is going on, what facial expression emotion is this person feeling, or if like they’re walking by, or in the area do they need my help. I’ve usually never had problems with anyone but this past year, there’s someone at my job who I feel like I make her like uncomfortable, and like she usually never talks to me, gives me one word answers and it makes me sad because I usually never have bad interactions with anyone I work with, and I’ve never had bad intentions with any of my coworkers. Including this person. But I feel like I can’t ask her because I feel judged by her even though every single person at work knows I have this disability.
I’ve been universally loved, rarely do I have people who make me sad or hurt, but still feel like I’ve done something wrong.

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