I really need help with this because idk what to do. Alright so I’ve been in a relationship with this girl that I really love for 3 months now. We’re both turning 17 this year and I really think she is perfect but she is kind of controlling because she doesn’t allow me to even talk or let alone play with a female friend of mine while she has a close guy friend and calls and play video games with him quite often. They are close, she even said that the guy has a “soft spot” for her and that she was the only one that treated him right. She even asked him to make her cry on call for one hour so she could “sleep better”. She said it was okay since she asked him to do that. After that I told her that I wasn’t really comfortable with her asking him that and that she should stop talking to him so she did. She apparently blocked him on everything. But after she blocked him he apparently was following her into games and was literally obsessed with her even tho she apparently told him not to do that, and she stopped telling him to leave and just gave up and played with him. And suspiciously, 2 days after she blocked him he apparently got sick and was in the hospital so she unblocked him and started playing with him again. Their relationship was back to normal again. No matter how many times I told her I don’t feel really comfortable with him she just didn’t care.This all happened while we are dating. I don’t want her to drop him or anything I just don’t think it’s fair that she doesn’t allow me to talk to my female friends but she has a close guy friend that she communicates and plays with a lot. She also ignores me for hours while playing with him and it’s frustrating. She made me block all of my female friends but plays with her close guy friend and others. And she literally forced me to choose her over my female friends saying “if you don’t block her I’m leaving you.”. Keep in mind that they never did anything wrong they never flirted with me or did anything weird like that to make her feel uncomfortable, it’s just the fact that they are friends with me that she hates. I don’t mind blocking literally all of my female friends to make her comfortable but she does the thing that she doesn’t want me to do which is be friends with the opposite gender. She also does weird stuff with them like asking her close guy friend to make her cry. One more thing I forgot to say, the only 2 times I tried to convince her to stop talking to her close guy friend and provided good reasons why she immediately started talking about killing herself and changes the subject like that. I overthink about stuff a lot so I’ve spent sleepless nights because of this. I really love her and I don’t know what to do.

TL;DR: MY gf made me block all of my female friends while she has a really close guy friend that she talks and play with a lot. What should I do? If you have any questions or doubts you can ask me. You can be really honest.

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