As a kid, I experienced emotional neglect and severe isolation. I started to notice my social issues in high school. Never had any long-term friends that could support me. Hardly talked to Amy girls, and the ones I did were either toxic or weren’t into me. I get exhausted with conversation and usually just keep to myself. I always have the urge to socialize, and I do, but my conversations are hardly fruitful and not very long. I feel like most people in my life don’t go out of their way to talk to me with maybe 1 or 2 exceptions. I feel like im not interesting or just straight-up boring. This makes me very depressed. It’s like this, even with people im comfortable with, even family and close friends. I feel like I will be lonley for most of my life like I already have. I feel like I have nothing to say and at the same time have the urge to speak. This is very distressing. And when a conversation ends onl, then do find the words to say. Hindsight is always 20/20. I feel like im never gonna have a true relationship because no one wants to talk to me, and when they do, I just bore myself.

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