I’m a man who uses a wheelchair it can be hard to meet people due to unfortunate judgments so I thought I’d pitch the perks. I wasn’t going to post again but I’m bored and maybe “she” is bored tonight too and decides to reach out. It was also my birthday last week.

1. Great parking! Seriously, this is a big one.
2. I give wheelchair rides. I’m quite comfy and walking is overrated as hell
3. People let me cut in lines. I’m not sure why they do but it beats sitting outside in the cold.
4. Playing the “Cripple Card” is the best excuse for getting out of shit you don’t want to do. Who’s going to argue that I don’t feel well? This superpower also applies to my +1.
5. People give me free shit. Again, I don’t quite get their reasoning but you’ll be covered under this policy as well. Free shit is good.
6. I’m the best comedy fodder ever. Ever been out with a drunk, crippled guy that makes up stories about how he got hurt? No? I highly recommend it.
7. I’m like having a built-in lawn chair. Everywhere we go, you’ll have a place to sit. Think about it.
8. I use a manual chair so it’s easier to travel
9. I’m really difficult to kidnap. Think this is just a perk for me? Think again, I can say with 99.99% certainty that you will NEVER have to pay a ransom.
10. In the event of a zombie apocalypse or bear attack, I’m easy to outrun.

Women of Reddit Would you or have you ever be in a relationship with someone disabled and in a wheelchair? Would you consider It? If you have what was your experience? I (30M)As a disabled man It can be tough to meet people due to disability as a result it can be a struggle for disabled people in the intimacy department or worse people often judge due to disability. I’m In marketing work from home the pandemic has been pretty lonely I make good money to . I’m pretty mobile my only issue is walking long distance for long distance I regularly use a chair. I like movies tv and going out when I can. It was also my birthday Recently. ’m hoping I can meet someone and establish a conversation and connect all ages welcome. And yes I can still have sex. I don’t have any loss of feeling in fact I’m very mobile still in that department. I just wanted to pose this question see what people thought if you had any real stories thoughts or advice on the situation. Feel free to let me know and hit me up it would mean the world. I feel I’m pretty normal and have a lot to offer I’m looking to share experiences with someone.

I’m obviously hilarious, have a great career, easy on the eyes, also so would love to get to know you.

I’m looking for someone with a sense of humor. I tend to gravitate toward sweethearts and I find intelligence to be sexy. I don’t have a specific physical type, except I’m definitely attracted to thin or athletic body types but every one is welcome. Age is inconsequential to me as I’ve dated both much older and younger than myself. I can handle all age are welcome. I’m open to a lot of things but I’m looking for something more than just platonic friendship, I have friends and I don’t want to make out with any of them. If you’re looking for “just a friend”, I wish you luck but it’s not me. My career is flexible and can travel often I hope to get to know someone. I make over 100 k so I’d love to travel.

Do you think (and date and marry) outside the box? Let’s give it a go. Hit me back.

  1. I think your sense if humor is the perk. I’m pretty sure if you listed these things on bumble or tinder, you would get a lot of swipes! Idk if there are dating subreddits but most of the people here are married.

  2. I would be open to dating a woman in a wheelchair. As long as everything…worked…I don’t see a problem. Good luck bro

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