What is a habit (good or bad) that your partner has/had that you picked up yourself?

  1. Anything that goes wrong, human or object, he says “silly boy business”.
    Someone screwed you over? Silly boy business.
    Car stopped working? Silly boy business.
    Its all silly boy business and i love it.

  2. Good one ? Minding my own business and not taking care of anyone or caring about anyone besides me . At first I thought it was selfish because I grew up doing and getting overwhelmed easily meanwhile he was chilling. Since I started doing ,my life got much easier and my emotions are much controlled and regulated. I used to blow out of stress but going now with years without crying.
    A bad one ? He drinks a lot beer because he likes . Now I started do drink too and enjoying a beer once in a while, but it’s bad for my health .

  3. I used to always have water with my food n my partner would have soda. Eventually I picked up his habit n now we’re both soda fans.

  4. My partner would smile in front of other people, only to talk badly when they left. I was so desperately in love that I didn’t complain, I even started to think “well maybe it’s true, they are so nasty and deserve that”, and started to engage in talking on their back. Until I realized how much it was fucked, and how it bordered slander, particularly when dear friends were targeted. I broke after one year, only thanks to my best friend who made me feel not alone, because I was terribly scared of being left alone, and until that moment I was an ostrich hiding my head underground rather than facing the truth that it was a toxic and manipulative relationship (not only for this issue).

  5. I say “whomp” now which wasn’t in my vocabulary before but it is in his a lot 🙃(before the whomp whomp memes)
    Looking at every car that goes by and saying how good or how bad it is LOL I didn’t care about cars at all before but now I’m a car girl apprentice lol.
    I used to always want noise or something loud and chaotic and now I like it calm and peaceful and he taught me how to relax instead of thinking it’s boring bc it wasn’t chaotic so now I embrace the calm quiet doing nothing but be on the couch moments.

  6. I picked up his habit of saying “cop that, idiot” whenever we accidentally knock or bump into the other person lol

  7. Seasoning my food well haha. I didn’t know how bland the food was that I was eating until I got into a relationship with my ex boyfriend from the Antillen

  8. Going to bed and waking up early, making the bed every day, working out every morning, and actually planning/cooking meals instead of just winging it (I was notorious for having “girl dinner” every night). Basically I’m better all around with him. Married 5 years and just had our first baby

  9. mean mugging to keep people from approaching. my bf is a giant 6’5 teddy bear but no one would know it because of the stank face he has in public just from his anxiety.

  10. My partner has a habit of borrowing my clothes… After a year of two, I picked up his habit.

  11. I once dated a guy who gave people the thumbs up when they had road rage (flipped him off, honked aggressively, etc. — to be fair, I live in an area notorious for this). I’m sure it incited even more anger in the other driver — sometimes, I could see it’d make them laugh — but it was a reminder to not take life so seriously (though, ofc, stay focused on the road). 🖤

  12. Saying puñeta and pointing with my lips lmao.

    My boyfriend is Puerto Rican. I am not. He gets a kick out of it every time.

  13. Good one: Not being bothered by bad friends, moving on, recognizing when I’m getting mistreated.

    Bad one: Getting taken advantage of by bad family members, not being able to move on (literally, they have a problem with us moving away), allowing them to mistreated us.

    He always had such a “fuck em if they don’t bring you happiness or any other benefits” which I needed b.c I always had such bad taste in friends. But him and his family are so dependent on each other in such an unhealthy way, and after we became more serious, I feel obligated to do every little thing his family wants. Felt very “bait and switch” lol

  14. Cursing. That man is worse than a sailor. I never had a mouth on me, but now I can’t help myself

  15. We mimic each other to the extreme. If he comes up with a silly saying or song, I pick it up. And vice versa

  16. Good – being more spontaneous and travel-y. I’m more of an IN person and he’s an OUT person.

  17. Good – drinking more water (instead of soda or juice). Walking and cycling more instead of taking car. Waking up faster. Quicker showers.

    Bad – more complaining. I drink alcohol now (not a lot but I like to try and i have found some I like. I used to not touch alcohol at all and I honestly preferred it that way). More cursing lol.

  18. Eating more adventurous food! 😂

    My family was not very adventurous with food and I thought I was a picky eater. No, I was wrong – they just didn’t flavor anything! Now I eat all kinds of food from all different cultures and it’s amazing!

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