I have social anxiety that comes and goes, and a lot of times it causes me to overanalyze situations and stress over them. A while ago, I decided to get off Instagram (for unrelated reasons), which was my primary social media. However, I still check it every once in a while on my pc just to keep up with my favorite sports teams and such. Therefore, I’ve noticed people from my school that I know adding me on Instagram, but I’ve felt for some reason like I should be dedicated to staying off, so I haven’t accepted any friend requests or added anyone back. However, now I kind of want to, because I’ve found myself socially isolated as of late, and I feel like a better online presence might at least set the precedent for me to be a little more social. But I’ve got requests from like 9 months ago from people who I’m sort of friends with (and I can’t help but wonder if we’d be better friends if I had just been a normal person and added them back). Anyway, would it be weird to add the people back now, or should I just leave it alone? I think I want to at least be moderately active online again and there have been people that have added me recently who I want to add back, but I feel like it’d be weird if I just added them and not the people who added me forever ago. For what it’s worth, I’m on winter break for another two weeks, so maybe anyone would forget by the time I see them again if I did something weird/awkward or committed some social faux pas. I feel like I’m definitely overthinking this, so I apologize, but I really do need advice.

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